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When to use Scrumban? Simple Answer

In scrumban, the board is never cleared like in scrum; it represents a continuous flow of items from column to column. That’s why projects that have a continuous flow of work and no definitive deadline are particularly well-suited to the scrumban approach. Scrumban does not specify any team roles; the team is self-organizing and flexible in terms of how they work.

For some development teams, the rigid structure of the Scrum platform can actually hinder the team’s workflow. If your team is struggling with the structure of Scrum, Scrumban is an Agile approach that can https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ help ease them into the framework. Because Scrumban is a hybrid of Scrum and Kanban, the team can learn key elements of the Scrum framework while still maintaining the flexibility of the Kanban method.


Scrumban is an Agile project management methodology that is a hybrid of Scrum and Kanban. Scrumban was developed to make it easier for existing Scrum teams to transition to Kanban and explore lean methodologies. It is flexible and has a better success rate – In Scrumban, team members are free from the hassles of individual roles, planning, and reporting meetings. The flexibility that comes from the transparency of the tasks at hand helps them to perform better. It is easy to adopt – The benefits of the visualization of Kanban make adopting Scrumban very easy.

Scrumban enables the team to plan the tasks as per the company’s long-term goals and vision via bucket-size planning. With fewer scheduled meetings, team members have more time and energy to focus on their tasks and become more efficient at completing them. I am passionate when to use scrumban about solving business problems by bringing the team together and removing impediments. I started my career as a business analyst before moving into product management. I am a Certified Scrum Master and I also write my thoughts about product management at MonicaDhiman.com.

Which Scrum and Kanban elements can you use in Scrumban?

It is best suited for large-scale projects – Large-scale projects require proper planning and estimations. They are also complex and require multiple levels of discipline. Scrumban can be used to prioritize tasks that need to be completed first. More organizational teams are discovering the advantages of using Scrumban in their project development processes.

when to use scrumban

Once you have evolved your board, it’s time to separate different types of work. This can happen by introducing horizontal lanes to distinguish more critical work items from the standard ones. You can also start introducing different visual tokens (ex., stickers) to mark your work with specific labels.

Scrumban vs. Kanban vs. Scrum

As a result, you will better prioritize work that needs special attention (ex., a PBI that holds a bigger risk that you need to mitigate as soon as possible). This can also give you valuable insights on how to best allocate your team’s capacity. To use Scrum and Kanban together, managers should explore the needs of their teams. For example, Scrum could be more suitable for processes where the focus is only on building a product that needs to be released per a given interval. Kanban would work better in a scenario where priorities frequently change, and work enters the process in an ad-hoc manner.

when to use scrumban

Normally, new tasks will include user stories originally intended for an upcoming iteration. And although additional meetings may be held, on-demand planning is the only essential element in Scrumban. Some methodologies, like Scrum, include daily stand-up meetings where the day’s tasks are discussed and decided. Instead, one of its core principles is known as “on-demand planning’ or the ‘pull system”.

Step 2. Creating the Scrumban board

In this case, you might benefit from this hybrid system that combines strategic direction and collaboration with workflow clarity and visualization. That makes it an excellent choice for complex projects that can feel intimidating at first. By breaking a project down into achievable sprints, you can make it feel less overwhelming and make significant progress in a short space of time. In the late 2000s, Corey Ladas, a Lean software development pioneer, created Scrumban. Another feature of Scrumban is what‘s known as “work-in-progress limits”. This determines the number of tasks that can be undertaken at any given time.

  • If your team is overloaded, they are unlikely to be able to focus clearly and meet their goals or your deadlines.
  • Below, we’ll discuss what Scrumban is, which elements it takes from Scrum and Kanban, and how it might benefit your projects.
  • Scrumban is getting popular by the day because it cancels out the limitations of both Scrum and Kanban while enhancing their positive elements.
  • Still, Scrumban has that bit more structure, like keeping some of the roles from Scrum that provides just enough control to manage projects.
  • If the project has a clear goal and due date, you might prefer Scrum.

Sprints are often worked in two-week increments, so team members can just focus on those specific sprint tasks until it’s time to review and reiterate. This makes Scrumban a good choice for very long-term projects, or projects with an ambiguous goal. Begin to populate the to-do column with all the tasks of the backlog. Make sure to mark the on-demand planning trigger number as well.

Improved Efficiency in the Management of Large Projects

As an example, let’s use a software development project for this purpose where we’re working with features or tasks. Understanding the visual board, its elements and the Scrumban method are the first steps. Teams use Scrumban to better guide and manage the development of a product, service, or maintenance-based tasks. Scrumban also uses short iterations similar to Scrum sprints to control and manage the workload.

when to use scrumban

Every team member can update their tasks and keep track of the work. This makes the work more visible and helps complete the projects on time. Scrumban can be used for long-term projects that require ongoing maintenance. That’s because once a product has been released with Scrum, maintenance work could come unpredictably inside the process.


If the order point is 2, then there may be no need to keep a backlog of 10. Perhaps we can reduce the backlog to 4, and reduce our lead time by 6 days in the process. The ideal work planning process should always provide the development team with best thing to work on next, no more and no less. Therefore, we should use the least wasteful mechanism that will satisfy that simple condition. If we let the person who is best at performing the specify function handle more of that work, then we may also need to coordinate handoffs between ourselves. Work that is still active in the specify queue is not yet eligible to make such a pull request.

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